Graphite Pickleball Paddles Individual Paddle Review

Niupipo Graphite Pickleball Paddle (set of 2)


Welcome to another one of our pickleball paddle reviews! This time we’re going to talk about our top pick from our 5 Best Graphite Pickleball Paddles review: the Niupipo Graphite pickleball paddle! Not only is this a high-performing paddle, but this amazing product also comes in a set of two! Compared to the individually sold product, it’s a great deal!!

We’ve talked at length about the best paddles for spin in our 5 Best Pickleball Paddles for Spin post, as well as in our individual product reviews. Now we’re excited to bring you more reviews about the best graphite paddles on the market, ranked by us. But wait – Not familiar with pickleball paddles in the first place? Make sure to check out our Pickleball Paddle Ultimate Guide!!

Down below we’ll go over everything you need to know about this paddle, as well as what makes graphite paddles so wonderful. Every detail contributes to the paddle’s performance as a whole, so let’s get started!

Graphite Pickleball Paddles

The 5 Best Graphite Pickleball Paddles Review [Ranked] in 2020


Nowadays, pickleball paddles seem to come in an endless combination of material, size, and weight. Then there’s the interplay between different face materials and cores. Given all these factors, it can be hard to narrow down the right pickleball paddle for you! But players looking to dominate using primarily power shots will want a powerful yet lightweight, maneuverable paddle. All these factors together means they will do well to turn to one the 5 Best Graphite Pickleball Paddles!

Not familiar with pickleball paddles? Make sure to take a look at our Ultimate Guide to Pickleball Paddles before reading this post!

Individual Paddle Review Pickleball Paddles Pickleball Paddles for Spin

Gamma Compass NeuCore Pickleball Paddle


When playing pickleball at a high level, your choice of paddle becomes more and more important. In this blog, we’ll tell you all about the Gamma Compass NeuCore pickleball paddle, a preferred paddle for more advanced players!

It’s the last honorable mention in our 5 Best Pickleball Paddles for Spin post, so this paddle is also a particularly good spinner. We’ll break down all the details that we think make it a great fit for players looking for a high quality, easily maneuverable paddle. Want a quick refresher on all things pickleball paddle? Check out our Pickleball Paddle Ultimate Guide!

Individual Paddle Review Pickleball Paddles Pickleball Paddles for Spin

Pro-Lite Supernova Black Diamond Pickleball Paddle


Different pickleball players look for different things when they go shopping for paddles. Is it going to last a long time? Is it better for spin or for power? How does the grip feel while playing? These are all very important questions. In this post, we’ll tell you all about the Pro-lite Supernova Black Diamond pickleball paddle, a high-quality paddle that’s especially good for spin techniques.

It is an honorable mention in our 5 Best Pickleball Paddles for Spin post, so it’s got quite a few features going for it that make it a top spin paddle.  Not familiar with pickleball paddles? Take a look at our Ultimate Guide before reading further!

Individual Paddle Review Pickleball Paddles for Spin

Selkirk Amped Pickleball Paddle


So you know how to play pickleball. But how do you win? The key is to use a variety of hit techniques to outdo your opponent – and ideally to use the Selkirk Amped pickleball paddle when doing so! Some of these techniques include sheer power hits and drop shots, otherwise known as spin shots. Different paddles will give you various advantages when it comes to these playing styles. Check out our Pickleball Paddle Ultimate Guide for a full run-down of these techniques!

This article will look at a paddle that blends spin ability and power into one: the Selkirk Amped pickleball paddle. It’s featured as the third place pick on our post about the 5 Best Pickleball Paddles for Spin, so it’s a pretty solid choice if you like the flexibility of being able to spin or power through your shots. Ready to learn whether its the rights paddle for you? Let’s jump in!

Individual Paddle Review Pickleball Paddles Pickleball Paddles for Spin

Paddletek Tempest Wave II Pickleball Paddle


Welcome to another one of our pickleball paddle reviews! This article will be a thorough review of the Paddletek Tempest Wave II pickleball paddle, a top pick for players who like being able to control the trajectory and exact landing spot of every hit. Not familiar with the generalities of pickle ball paddles? Be sure to check out our Pickleball Paddle Ultimate Guide prior to reading this post!

This paddle is designed to help you achieve a great balance between control and power. It’s also the second place winner listed in our Top 5 Pickleball Paddles for Spin post! Are you ready to learn why we think so highly of this particular paddle? Let’s dive in!!

Pickleball Paddles Pickleball Paddles for Spin

Engage Pickleball Encore Pro


Pickleballers need a wide variety of shots to select from to ensure that they can defeat opponents with a variety of playing styles. One of the most important shots a pickleballer can master is the spin shot – the Engage Pickleball Encore Pro is going to help you with that task! You can learn which paddles are best at which shots by checking out our Pickleball Paddle Ultimate Guide.

Included in our post on the Top 5 Pickleball Paddles for Spin, the Engage Pickleball Encore Pro is a PERFECT example of a spin oriented pickleball paddle. Let’s find out why!

Pickleball Paddles Pickleball Paddles for Spin

The 5 Best Pickleball Paddles for Spin – [Ranked] in 2020 – In Depth Review and Guide


Pickleball continues to BOOM in popularity both domestically and internationally. In fact, in recent years, the pickleball craze has extended its reach to some of the furthest corners of the globe, leaving many wondering which are the 5 best pickleball paddles for spin!

With the increase in popularity comes an increase in both competition from other pickleballers and pickleball product availability. Not familiar with paddles in the first place? Be sure to take a look at our Ultimate Guide to Pickleball Paddles before reading this post! Let’s take a look at the results of both of these increases in turn.

Pickleball Paddles

Pickleball Paddles – Ultimate Guide – Reviewed for 2020

Why Having the Right Pickleball Paddles Makes A HUGE Difference

Pickleball, like any other racquet or paddle sport, requires that the participant become comfortable with the paddle as an extension of his or her own arm. After all, in pickleball, it is only through the use of your pickleball paddles (and you DO need more than just one) that you are able to propel the ball over the net! Want to learn more? Let’s dive in!!